Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Best Tips On How To Stop Your Stuttering Fast

Do you want to know how to stop your stammering? If yes, then I have you in mind and am making this post for you. Throughout  we I was a stutterer I have tried lots of methods and get healed herbs which didn’t work for me until I sat myself down and begin to research on what I can do to cure my stuttering problem. In this process I got to know that I’m responsible for my speech and my cure of stuttering.

Then I begin to put those methods to work until I was completely free. Now I’m here to share some of those tips that have helped me for you. I want you to know you can take start now and take charge of your life. You don’t have to keep blaming your parents or God Almighty for making you a stammered.

No! Stop, STOP & STOP. It’s not God neither is it your Parents..That is the work of nature and you have the power within you to change that situation. It doesn’t matter how you re born...What matters is how you live the rest of life. You see yourself this way but do know you can do something about that problem and get rid of it from your system.

Ok back to the tips I said I will share with you on how to get rid of that “Kick Ass” Called stuttering:

1. I Have The Whole Time In The World Method: I know as a stammer you will always want to rush to talk and to express your self very fast, because you may be thinking there is no time. So you want to talk fast like the other people [your listener]. But change that mindset now. Have the mentality of “I Have The Whole Time In The World” that means you can decide to talk anytime you want to talk. Not to let anyone pressurized you to talk fast. Calm down and take your time to talk. If your listener can not wait for you to take your time to talk, then let him or her go.
       Feel good about it and relax. So friend, you have the whole time in the world, so take your time, relax and calm yourself down before you SAY ANYTHING. If you form this habit, it will help you calm down your body system and you will see yourself speaking well without stammering.

2.Talk To Yourself in a Mirror Method:  have you once taught about this? You will agree with me that stammering cause you to become angry most times. Yes there are many things that cause as the result. Maybe you re envying other people’s speech, someone makes fun of you, or you were not given the time to express yourself, and lots more reasons. NOW! You don’t have to continue with that habit anymore. It’s a bad habit and has not mounted any positive change to you since. So it ought to STOP. Like yourself, be happy, cherish yourself, feel good about your life, always be thinking the positive side of you, those things you are good at and talk them to yourself in a mirror.

Here is what to do. Get a large standing mirror. Mount it on your room and any where you can be having access to it privately. Write down those things you know you re good at, even if you think you are not good on anything…Do you know you re unique, that means no one like you on the face of the earth? Include some motivational words of that paper. Example” I’m a success, I speaks well, I don’t stutter, my life is beautiful, I’m unique none like me on this earth, I don’t rush my words, I’m in charge, I’m in control, call your name [Paul] you re precious,  etc.. did you get the Idea now? Write those sweet and motivating words on paper and every time [morning, afternoon and night] declare them to you-self on the mirror. It will build your confident, makes you like yourself more and makes you get rid of that stuttering consciousness and you start having I can do all things mentality.

Try them, and you will surely see some changes. I will share more of these tips to you later. I have to stop here for now.  So keep visiting. But before then you can leave your comments or any other contribution. Cheers. I Love you and want you well soon.


Anonymous said...

Stuttering is one of the most common speech problems that several individuals are facing (others might be of need of speech therapy Orange County already). This condition is also among the many reasons why kids are being bullied in school or in public places. So, thank you for sharing these very helpful tips. Several readers with such problem will surely benefit from your post.

Unknown said...

Thanks for sharing the tips

Unknown said...

Can you please give me your email address.

Unknown said...

The tips which you had given to stop stammering are very innovative in terms of natural usage, Thanks for providing the valuable information.

Unknown said...

Thank you for your tips. and i surely follow those tips which you post, today itself...