Saturday, February 16, 2008



1. Is possible for you to speak freely, if only you believe you can . why? b/c your mind plays a big rule in your life , infant your mind works with your thoughts and your thoughts and words dominates your work on your mind, believe you can speaks well , believe your good to talk well , believe you can speak good or even better than so so so and so

2. Do you know ''stammering is the problem of the mouth ,but with the mind''.so refuse to see yourself anymore as a stammering.see yourself as someone that 's good in everything ,even in your speech.

3. Your mind ! your mind!! your mind!!!, is very important if you living free from stammering is your passion. work on your mind.see the good part of yourself, love yourself, have time to talk sweet words on a mirror just only for yourself.



My Advice And The Lessons To Learn On My Stammering Story

OK, i from the last post i posted b/4 this one now TITLED" THIS IS HOW I STARTED STAMMERING"
as i shared my story on how i started stammering and promise to expose the lesson
parents can learn on my story on behalf of their child or children, and my advice to anyone
that s stammering now.

Now let me just start hitting the points


1, God committed your child into your hand so you can brought him/her up in a
good life style [not a life style of stammering] but to speak well.
So you re responsible for the way your speaks at his/her early stage.

2, I know you will love your child and will not want to be bitting him/her always
but , don't just keep quit to let the bad habit of stammering to dominate your child.
the child may start stammering at his/her early stage ,but never as a parents to allow
him/her to continue on that wrong life habit.

3,lastly ,remember the future of your child, he /she will not be happy to grow up as
a stammering b/c of the difficult and the struggle it will take him/her to pronounce a word.
So guide him/her on how to speak on an early stage ,teach him/her how to speak well and give a well speech, and also refuse him to stop stuttering or stammering as early as he /she started it .
Don't allow it [stammering]on him /her by advising him/her not to speak that way b/c of his/her future.


1. Don't give up on yourself, you can still stop it.

2. Now remember your life is now in your hand b/c you have grow up now
[not just on your parent hand] start searching for the solutions for your problem [stammering]
WHICH THIS SITE IS ALL ABOUT; and also join a stammering forum

3. All you will need for the cure and to free yourself from stammering is here and i will still be shared more
on this site , so keep visiting and enjoy reading , all are hot and fresh informations on stammering cure, solutions, etc.

Wishing You Well.

Saturday, February 9, 2008


Am writing this to share my own life touching story on [HOW I STARTED STAMMERING] with you
so that you can learn some few things from it .

I was brought up by my parents that loves me so much ,and will do everything to make me happy.

How did i started STAMMERING?

It was an answer i can not remember to answer,b/c my stammering start from my small age .
But according to my parents, they told me that it all [MY STAMMERING] started from my nursery
school age.

According to them i started learning how to STAMMERING by myself , i always pronouncing words wrongly, and always STAGGING on any word Whenever i want to pronounce, and it seems like as if
i was joking to them. and because they loves me so much they don't want to border me at all, nor even do they want to correct me, nor even beat me or shout on me to stop that [STAMMER].

They just keep thinking that i will stop it soon, which i didn't. Until i grow up with it and they [my parents]  was not happy for it. that is MY SPEECH, and the way I STAMMERER.

So my good people, thats how my stammering life started .

LATER HERE , i will share with you how i cured my STAMMERING, and the LESSONS parents must learn from this my story. and the young ones also, and my advice to all that STAMMERERS.


Thursday, February 7, 2008


Stammering-stuttering is a speech dis-order which you may have been born with , or may have just discovered in your speech. Which makes it hard for you in making telephone calls ,talking to friends , speaking in public, and so on. Now is important that you to understand what the problem is , and also understand how you can overcome it[which I'm handing into your hand right now]. What I want you to know is that you have the ability within you to re-condition and cure your speech dis-order problem known as stammering-stuttering.


1, Relax your mind whenever you want to speak, don't force yourself to speak, knowing that nobody can force you to speak fast , So take your time to relax b/4 you say any word.

2, Write down any of those words that you find difficult to pronounce,And take sometime to be practicing those words ,by pronouncing them regularly to yourself. By doing this, you will begin to master those words and you will start pronouncing them effortlessly.[remember ,you master whatever you regularly practice].

3, Start practicing reading loudly : you can just take any book of your choice and stay away from any distractions and start reading it loudly to yourself. By doing this, it helps you to stay calm your voice, and teaches you how you can be speaking calmly and fearlessly. It also expands your voice muscles to speak effortlessly.

4 , SINGING LOUDLY: sing loudly along of any song of your choice will also helps build more confidence to yourself , And also does the same thing reading loudly will do for you.

5, Never again give place to angry , depressions, and worries in your heart ,b/c these things cannot help you to overcome or cure the stammering-stuttering problem, but can even increase it more and more. So you have to replace those negative things with the positive ones,By being joyful, friendly,involving in the things that makes you happy,etc.

6, Don't rush yourself to speak : stammering-stuttering has a force,by which causes you to struggle whenever you want to say something . but you can recondition your from this by ;Learning to take a dip breadth in and out before you said any word, so don't try to rush yourself when speaking. Be calm , and relax, calm your mind down and relax your body whenever you want to say a word.

7, Be confidence of yourself ; people with stammering are sometimes afraid to speak boldly in public, b/c of their fear of stammering , But never allow this anymore , have a positive thought of yourself always. Think about yourself as someone who that speaks well ,[remember, stammering is a problem of
the mind, not with mouth]. So start seeing the positive areas of yourself . Now you can start wearing your best cloths, coming out confidently, engaging in talk shows, talking with friends, etc,by doing this, the fear of stammering will vanish away and you will represent itself with confidence. and you will see yourself speaking normally as you couldn't have done before.


Stammering (clinically referred to as dysphemia) is a form of speech defect concerned with an involuntary action of repeating or prolonging of syllables or words. For example, when a person pronounces the word "COME" but instead says it like, "COCOCCOME" or "ssstt-sstt-sttop," that is stammering.

Naturally, the condition is frustrating for the patient as it not only hampers his/her ability to communicate well, it also opens him/her to perceptions that he or she is slow and stupid. There is no direct link between stammering and mental capacity. Studies show that speech defects like stammering are usually brought on by bad speech habits developed in childhood.

Can stammering be cured?

The answer is an overwhelming yes. Since the condition is primarily caused by habit, given enough time bad habits can be unlearned and replaced with the proper ones leading to correct speech.

How can you get help?

- If you (or someone you know) stammer, consult with a speech pathologist. This is so that proper assessment of the condition can be made and verified whether stammering is the problem. The speech pathologist will have you read aloud a series of sample sentences or paragraphs, which is usually recorded for further analysis.

- Next a speech therapist will prescribe a series of exercises to correct the defect. It's been discovered that stammering is not merely a speaking defect but one that involves listening as well. So listening exercises may very likely be prescribed alongside breathing and relaxation exercises in addition to the ones for speech called oral motor exercises.

How can you help yourself?

- When working with a speech therapist, you may need to make several and frequent visits at the beginning of the treatment, which tapers off towards the later part as improvements set in. But the exercises should continue and be done diligently even outside these visits.

- Experts recommend that the minimum duration in treating stammering is 3 months of consistent therapy.
To ensure permanency of results, six months to a year is prescribed.

- The optimum age in carrying out speech therapy is around the ages of 15 and 25. This is because young children may forget what has been learned and revert while older adults may have difficulty unlearning established habits.

Finally, there is nothing wrong with asking for positive reinforcement from friends, family and co-workers when you undergo the measures to cure stammering. It's only right to do so and those who respect you will only be too willing to help you.

With patience, diligence and some time, the problem of stammering can be solved leading to a fuller and more productive life for you and everyone around you.

FINAL:  "Kill Your Stutter" is a program by Ari Kreitberg, designed to help get rid of anybody's stutter. Adults and children can kill their stutter with the "Kill Your Stutter" digital ebook guide. It was created to remove any anxiety or panic attacks that are influencing your stammering speech. Most people do not even know why they stutter and the cause of it, but this guide explains everything and more.

>>>>Click Here To Download The "Kill Your Stutter"Guide

Saturday, February 2, 2008


"The Easiest Way To Cure Your Stammering"

Have you seen someone that stammering or stuttering, and the kind stress, pain, tears, and frustration they went through?

Now See friend, this issue is not something you laugh about [take as common], And also is not also something you cry about [sharing tears and thinking no solution of it].

I was a heavy stammer that stammered for the birth until I found out the permanent cure of it, which I'm here to share some fill of it in this article for you.

Now Let Get The Ball Rolling...

What Is Stammering/Stuttering?

Is a way of speaking characterized by involuntary pauses or repetitions.Now, here is some of the information you need to free yourself from stammering.


You remember a truth that says", YOU CAN NEVER BE ABOVE OF WHO YOU THINK YOU ARE".
You must make up your mind to know how you think about your self, your life and your speech, do you that STAMMERING is not the problem from your mouth, but from your MIND. Now, to make it short, you have to change the way you THINK about yourself, think positive, think possibilities, think health, think of yourself as someone that has a good speech and speaks well.

When you have this kind of thoughts to yourself, you will discover that fear to stammering always, will loss you and you will find out that your speech has improved, and you will begin to speak very well and effortlessly.


What does it mean to RELAX?

i . To make less tense, rigid, or firm; make lax: to relax the muscles.

ii. To diminish the force of.

iii . To become less strict or severe; grow milder.

IV . To reduce or stop work, effort, application, etc.,
especially, for the sake of rest or recreation.

V. To release or bring relief from the effects of tension, anxiety

Vi. To release oneself from inhibition, worry, tension. .

I know I have not lost you on this topic at hand. on [The Easiest Way To Cure Your Stammering.]
So what role does relaxation play in this issue?

By experience I knew how stammerers talks.

They always talk in rushing, and in hurrying, which always leads to struggle and stammering. But, you have to stop that way, and re-condition yourself now, BY RELAXING YOU MIND AND YOUR BODY whenever you want to talk.

Never rush or push yourself to talk. Also you can use these RELAXATION definitions above to learn how you ought to be talking now. And you will begin to notice an instant rest in your speech and begin to live a life free from stammering/stuttering.

Wishes you well.